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Learn How to Connect With & Sell Effectively to Millennials

Written by DecisionLink | October 11, 2021

Generation Y is different from generations past.  They remember growing up in the analog days, and then suddenly switching to everything-Internet in the late ‘90’s/early ‘00’s.  They’re generally adaptable & tech-savvy.  Selling to Millennials can be a challenge if you are unsure on how to connect with them. Companies need to be able to connect and understand the mindset of Millennials before selling to them. Other generations are still trying to figure out the thought process of how and why Millennials think and process when they’re buying. Millennials want companies to have everything they need in one – via the essence of convenience. They like convenience when it comes to purchasing from a business. Millennials would rather a company help them fix the problem with their product instead of companies just using a sales pitch to sell. The use of social media and instant messaging is a very effective way to communicate with  Millennials.

Millennials value where and how they spend their money. They enjoy affordable prices but they will pay more for something that has greater benefits beyond the purchase. For example, purchasing from a company that promotes positive impacts on the environment will get a Millennial’s attention, generally speaking. Even if the cost is pricey, Millennials will pay for something that will be sustainable and have positive impacts. The value of a peers’ opinions about a company is something that Millennials also take seriously. They would rather ask their peers about a company instead of reading a review on the company (word-of-mouth marketing is still a powerful and reliable tool, even in the age of “technology takeover”).

Millennials spent their teenage and young adult lives maturing with and while using technology.  Connecting through social media is key to communicating quickly and efficiently with this generation.  Having social media presence from companies dramatically increases engagement with Millennials. They love captivating social media pages that catch their attention and who they can engage and connect with. Social media these days can make or break a company. With Generation Y, if the social media presence is not up to par, they will simply stop trying to discover more about companies and their products/services – which ultimately leads to a loss of a potentially qualified lead that could lead to qualified business down the road.

Cut the traditional sales-y pitch. Millennials want companies to be relatable and understand and care about what the customer needs before making a purchase. Going in with an old traditional sales pitch will not get a sales representative far when dealing with a Millennial. Being authentic and raw when completing a sale with Millennials is exactly what they want. Knowing how to build a relationship before selling a product or service will be beneficial in the long run. Creating a relationship with Millennials while making a sale is beneficial in the short and long run. 

It is all about how products and services are perceived to be and function, and the authenticity of the sale. Millennials like to know that people care about what they need and understand how to execute it. Learn how to understand them, and learn from them as well. Millennials are the majority of the workplace today. Knowing how to effectively and efficiently sell to them, but more importantly, connecting with them, is beneficial for your brand, your products, and your services on a bigger scale with bigger rewards for the immediate and long-term future.