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The CRO, Value, and the Future of Sales

Written by DecisionLink | February 28, 2022

Today’s buyers are savvier than ever. To address their evolving sophistication and expectations, successful CROs are leaning into technology that aligns sales and buyer objectives to build long-term relationships. Customer Value Management (CVM) is the key to driving greater customer lifetime value. With an end-to-end CVM platform, your team has the power to unify value measurements, elevate sales conversations to what matters to decision-makers, and drive customer success by presenting value at every stage of the engagement.

With information at their fingertips, buyers do their own research and start making decisions early. Sellers have to differentiate by utilizing a system that helps them overcome sales pipeline challenges and up-levels the conversation to C-suite care-abouts. Leveraging Customer Value Management and an end-to-end tool like the DecisionLink ValueCloud® empowers marketing and sales to:

  • Transform Seller Mindsets by Democratizing Value
    From marketing materials to frontline sales, ValueCloud® empowers your team to leverage value at every touchpoint.
  • Become Trusted Advisors
    Focusing on value changes the sales/buyer relationship. By transitioning to value-based conversations, your salespeople have the power to elevate their role.
  • Foster Collaboration
    Creating the value hypothesis at the heart of a value-based selling process is inherently collaborative. ValueCloud® gives your teams the tools they can use to empower their internal champion.

CROs Leverage Customer Value Management Across the Lifecycle:

  • Acquisition: Marrying value with strategic outcomes
  • Retention: Demonstrating value organization-wide
  • Expansion: Uncovering up-and cross-sell opportunities

Value is a company-wide strategy, the business benefits pile up quickly. Our team is here to assist you at any stage of the process. Let's talk about it!

Your sales team has won over prospects, but the process doesn’t stop there. By leveraging value throughout the customer lifecycle, you amplify the reasons for customers to renew.

  • Sustain Value-Centered Communication
    Give your customer success team the value-driven insights to keep buyers committed to your products and collaborating with your team.
  • Encourage Self-Service
    A powerful value platform like ValueCloud® gives customer-facing teams an easy, self-service resource for articulating the value delivered and the outcomes that enables.

Creating a value-centered organizational infrastructure and leveraging value across the lifecycle with the ValueCloud® platform, enables up-sell and cross-sell possibilities to grow.

  • Empower Success
    Calculating value realization metrics and generating businesses cases has never been so easy. Every customer interaction is an opportunity to uncover new possibilities for cross- and up-sell.
  • Track Evolving Value Delivery
    When every customer touchpoint focuses on value, having conversations about the customer’s latest business priorities can happen naturally. These conversations are key to maximizing success in renewals and expansion.

82% of salespeople are being asked for value beyond what they can provide.1


Investing in the right value solution is key to delivering on customer success, renewal rate, and lifetime customer revenue metrics for the long-term. Today’s innovative CROs are leveraging tools like ValueCloud® to drive value organization-wide. Discover what it could do for your organization at

1 Dimensional Research Study, 2020