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Value Marketing (3):

The “Dream Team” to Financial Success in an Organization

marketing and sales puzzle pieces

The B2B selling industry has evolved from the traditional way of selling. Marketing has always been a big factor when it comes to gaining customers and providing sales enablement and brand awareness content for an organization. In recent years, marketing has become bigger than ever, especially in the B2B space. The relationship and partnership between sales and marketing, and how valuable it is when working in tandem, is very beneficial for an organization. Marketing attracts potential customers, but that all starts with a solid and strategic marketing plan. The relationship between sales and...

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Generation Z is the Next Up-and-Coming Workforce – How to “Talk Their Talk” to Make the Deal

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Adapting to ever-changing trends and habits is something that companies should be used to by now to successfully flourish in business. In the world of selling, things are constantly changing. Generation Z (loosely, born between 1996-2010, depending on the source) is the current “young adult” generation, and they are a key factor in encouraging companies to increase their marketing awareness, particularly with the use of social selling. They appreciate the use of social communication and selling through the use of social media. The main focus of Generation Z is getting feedback from their...

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What Do Bounce Rates, Lead Qualification and Web Calculators Have in Common?

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For marketers, keeping people on your site and engaged is an essential part of an effective lead generation strategy. Like the canary in the coal mine of days gone by, bounce rates are often the first indicator of a potential problem. If people are leaving your site quickly or are only visiting your home page, they are either finding your content confusing, irrelevant, or uninteresting. When your audience visits your home page but can’t find what they’re looking for or found your offering lacking in some way, your bounce rate may be high. It may also simply be an issue of insufficiently deep...

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