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Customer Success (5):

ValueCloud® is Vital to Future Financial Success When Transitioning from Legacy Systems

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All companies have a way of keeping track of their data. We live in a modern world where information can be found in the click of a button, and people have access to everything. Legacy systems are equipped with older software. That may be difficult to operate seeing as some of the pieces used to operate it may be obsolete or hard to find because the system is so old. That will cause greater issues within a business. How can we fix something that is out of date? How can we do our jobs with a system that isn’t equipped to the new changes?

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Importance of Sales Teams being Equipped to Connect with Customers

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Professionals are looking for different ways to be innovative while still keeping their company values a priority. With the way companies are trying to please their customers, standing out from your competitors can be a challenge. In the business world you must adapt to change, whether it’s with a new product, marketing strategy, or gaining prospective customers. Figuring out what works best for your company will take research and a little bit of trial and error. You never know if concepts or ideas will or have work(ed) if you aren’t willing to try. 

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How to Successfully Execute Personalizing Customer Experience in 2022

lighting up customer experience

Personalizing the customer experience is about catering to your customers and understanding all of the elements they need to be successful with the product or service being offered. Customers have the luxury of clicking a button and just buying a product. When that happens they are not getting a personalized experience when it comes to buying a product. Personalizing customer experience all starts with marketing and sales alignment, developing customer profiles, and developing a positive customer experience that will keep customers coming back. 

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The “Dream Team” to Financial Success in an Organization

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The B2B selling industry has evolved from the traditional way of selling. Marketing has always been a big factor when it comes to gaining customers and providing sales enablement and brand awareness content for an organization. In recent years, marketing has become bigger than ever, especially in the B2B space. The relationship and partnership between sales and marketing, and how valuable it is when working in tandem, is very beneficial for an organization. Marketing attracts potential customers, but that all starts with a solid and strategic marketing plan. The relationship between sales and...

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Part 2: Lessons for Tomorrow from Today’s Cybersecurity & Tech Leaders

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At DecisionLink, we want to empower women to achieve more than what’s expected of us based on outdated stereotypes. In the second of our three-part webinar series about women in cybersecurity and technology, we talked to a new panel of female leaders. They shared what they’ve learned across decades in the industry, offering advice for both organizations and individuals at all levels and of all genders. We touched on personal responsibility for privacy and security, the development of a more inclusive workforce, and strategies for succeeding in an ever-changing world.

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